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Home For Patients Dental Blog Can Wisdom Teeth Be Removed in Pieces?

Can Wisdom Teeth Be Removed in Pieces?

Posted on 4/1/2024 by Weo Admin
3D rendered xray of an impacted wisdom tooth (highlighted in red) butting against the tooth next to itThird molars, or wisdom teeth, frequently need to be extracted since there is not enough room in the mouth for them. Insufficient space for wisdom teeth to fully emerge can result in tooth discomfort, swelling, and other severe issues related to oral health. Some people need to have a single wisdom tooth extracted, while others require many wisdom teeth to be extracted. Here is more information about the need for partial wisdom tooth extractions.

Why Would a Wisdom Tooth Extraction Be Completed in Pieces?

In cases where the wisdom tooth is securely anchored in the jawbone or has not grown in the correct direction, it may be required to be removed in portions. In these cases, trying to extract the whole wisdom tooth may result in extreme pain for the patient and might damage the neighboring oral tissues.

The wisdom tooth can be extracted in pieces by sectioning it, reducing the chance of harm to the nearby bones and nerves. Patients with wisdom teeth extracted in portions are guaranteed a more controlled, safer procedure with fewer potential complications.

How Can Sectional Wisdom Teeth Removal Be Done Comfortably?

Patients who are having their wisdom teeth surgically extracted in portions may be given sedation dentistry before the treatment to provide a relaxed and pain-free experience. With sedation dentistry, people can have an accurate sectioned wisdom teeth extraction giving them the functional and healthy mouth they need to lead regular lives.

Visit Us to Expertly Extract Your Wisdom Teeth

Our devoted and compassionate staff can reliably treat you whether your wisdom teeth need to be extracted in portions or all at once. We employ the most recent methods and technologies to provide you with the wisdom teeth extraction experience you require so you may have a functioning and healthy new smile. Why wait to work with us to improve your smile? Please make an appointment by contacting our dentist to start with an evaluation.

Thank you for trusting us with your oral health. Give us a call at (650) 321-9693 .

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Palo Alto Oral Health, 2875 Middlefield Rd Suite #1, Palo Alto, CA 94306; (650) 321-9693; paloaltooralhealth.com; 2/11/2025; Key Phrases: dentist palo alto;