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Physical Ailments That Can Result From Not Caring for Our Mouths

Posted on 7/7/2020 by Shiv Sharma, DDS
Physical Ailments That Can Result From Not Caring for Our MouthsThe body is interconnected in ways we cannot fully understand. For instance, scientists have discovered more than conclusive evidence, which shows that there is a significant correlation between oral health and some of the ailments that plague us today. Taking care of your teeth evidently doesn't only mean you get to have a beautiful smile; it might also be saving you from other health complications that you would rather not have. Here are some of the ailments you want to avoid.

Heart Attacks and Strokes

It is recommended that everyone brush and floss their teeth every day. This is so that we can eliminate any plaque on the teeth. Studies have shown that a buildup of plaque on teeth is not only dangerous for your oral health, but also can lead to a stroke or a heart attack. When plaque gets into the bloodstream, it behaves like cholesterol. It lines up on the walls of arteries, which then causes the pressure in these vessels to increase. This continuous buildup can cause heart disease and finally, a heart attack that you might not survive.


Inflammation of the gums or otherwise known as Periodontitis. This is a severe condition that causes the gums to start shrinking and pulling away from the teeth. Over time, this creates gaps that can quickly get infected. Periodontitis has a strange effect on people who have diabetes. It hampers the body from adequately absorbing insulin to keep blood sugar levels in check. When this goes on for a while, it brings on another reaction. It exacerbates other infections in the body, making those in the mouth even worse. By brushing and flossing our teeth regularly, you can avoid periodontists altogether, which should keep you from a world of pain and discomfort.

Although the connection between these diseases and caring for our mouths might not be apparent at first, they exist. It is therefore an additional incentive to keep our mouths as clean as possible. Contact us to find out more!

Thank you for trusting us with your oral health. Give us a call at (650) 321-9693 .

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