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Home For Patients Dental Blog How Poor Oral Hygiene Can Contribute To Heart Problems

How Poor Oral Hygiene Can Contribute To Heart Problems

Posted on 11/9/2020 by Shiv Sharma, DDS
How Poor Oral Hygiene Can Contribute To Heart ProblemsAccording to recent studies by Harvard Medical School, there is more evidence now than ever that poor oral hygiene can contribute to heart problems. Medical reports show those who suffer from tooth loss or gum disease are also at risk for cardiovascular disease, stroke, or heart attacks. Recognizing that your oral hygiene can directly influence your heart is one more reason to work with our dental experts so you can gain optimal oral wellness and improve your overall health.

Reasons Why Poor Oral Hygiene Can Contribute to Heart Problems

Oral hygiene and heart health are interconnected because of the spread of bacteria from your mouth to other parts of your body. Oral bacteria can infect the gums causing periodontal disease and gingivitis. Gums that are infected and challenged by these diseases can also affect your heart. Disease-causing oral bacteria can spread into blood vessels and other parts of the body through the blood system. Studies have shown evidence of oral bacteria found in cardiovascular blood and tissues which can lead to hardening or constriction of blood vessels; this is known as atherosclerosis which presents damaging health risks to your heart function.

Because of these medical findings, if you are experiencing gingivitis or other gum diseases, it is a good idea to get a full cardiovascular screening to check on your heart health. Vice versa, if you have a heart condition you owe it to yourself to make an appointment with one of our caring dental team experts. Let us know if you have existing heart disease and we will conduct a thorough oral examination to determine the condition of your gums and oral health.

Your heart health should not be ignored and neither should your oral hygiene. Because studies have shown poor oral hygiene may contribute to heart problems, we are here to provide you with the optimum dental care to prevent any challenges to your overall wellness. Call our office today so we can provide you with the superior oral care you deserve.

Thank you for trusting us with your oral health. Give us a call at (650) 321-9693 .

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