What foods and drinks contain acid and why it spells trouble for our oral health
Posted on 1/10/2022 by Shiv Sharma, DDS
Most of our diet comprises of foods with low acidity, there are however some foods that have acidity and this causes problems to our enamel.
How acid affects our mouth
Acid affects our teeth and weakens the enamel of the teeth making them vulnerable to damage. Exposing the enamel to any acidic food or drink softens it. The enamel is a protective coating of the teeth and covers the dentin inside. When dentin is exposed it causes sensitivity and pain to the tooth. Avoid acidic food and drinks and protect the tooth enamel.
Fruits and acid
Fruits is healthy and forms a vital part of a balanced diet. Some fruits have citric acid and this can bring about dental erosion. The citrus fruits have a low PH level meaning they are acidic. Such fruits that have acids are lemons, oranges, tomatoes, and pineapples. It is wrong to remove such fruits from our diet since they are nutritious. The best way to consume these fruits I taking them during meals and also ensuring that they are in fruit format, not as fruit juice.
Removal of acid
There are several kinds of toothpaste in the market but you need one that will flush away the acids in your mouth. The dental team is ready to offer advice on the best toothpaste and brush for your teeth. Brush right to ensure that no acid component is left in your teeth and make sure that you floss too. The toothpaste your dentist recommends must re-harden and protect the enamel of the teeth.
The dentist should be your friend by making regular dental checkups and going through cleanings. You will receive more tips and advice on how to consume foods that are less acidic so that your teeth remain intact.
Thank you for trusting us with your oral health. Give us a call at (650) 321-9693.
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