Our dental team is committed to offering you the best oral care. We help you get that oral health that you desire by maintaining a beautiful confident smile. Our dentists will offer you the best dental care that you deserve to keep you healthy and free from any oral issues. Visit us to experience this lifetime feeling of happiness.
Is tooth extraction painful?
This is a question that the patient will ask any dentist. Tooth extraction is not a painful procedure for when you are under anesthesia. The extraction process will be done if you have tooth decay or if your teeth are impacting the other teeth. The fact is that tooth extraction will be a painless procedure, but after the extraction, you might experience some pain. All you need to do is take painkillers and the dentist's prescription.
What does dental cleaning entail?
When you go for dental check-ups the dentist will clean your teeth and this is the first thing during a visit. The first thing is the removal of plaque and tartar from your teeth. The dentist will do this by examining your teeth and gum for signs of gingivitis. Gingivitis is a less severe form of gum disease. The dental hygienist will remove the plaque-causing gingivitis by use of a scalar and if you have periodontitis the dentist will use a probe.
How do I whiten my teeth?
This is a question every patient will ask the dentist if their teeth are not white. The best way to whiten your teeth is by using fluoride toothpaste. The toothpaste has compounds that prevent tooth decay and whiten the teeth. Hydrogen peroxide is the common chemical used to whiten teeth. It is a safe way of teeth whitening and will not cause any harm to your teeth. Our dentists will help you with all the questions you have.
Thank you for trusting us with your oral health. Give us a call at (650) 321-9693.
2875 Middlefield Rd, Suite #1 Palo Alto, CA 94306-2548