Palo Alto Dental TechnologyGreat dental care is provided through a relationship of educated, talented staff along with the knowledge and information of advanced dental technology. Our team at Palo Alto Oral Health prides ourselves on continuing education in treatment solutions while staying on top of the latest in dental tools and electronics. Technological advances today allow us to offer better solutions for you, providing you better care with less time in the chair. Dental tools and electronics have made some huge strides in advancement. We have a large range of tools available to see more, plan more, with better results. These tools include: Digital X-RaysConsidering the radiographs performed in decades past, digital radiographs are a far superior advancement. The old traditional dental x-rays would be displayed on a tiny square slide. These slides were grainy, difficult to see and difficult to use when communicating with patients. The patient often left with little understanding of why they needed a procedure. Additionally, these slides were easy to lose. They were kept in file folders along with the patient's private information and could easily slip and slide around. Digital x-rays change all of that. Standard digital x-rays are taken in your dental chair, and the images can immediately be seen on a computer screen nearby. The images captured will be at a much higher resolution, allowing considerably better communication with the patient. We will be able to zoom in and out of different areas, taking a close look at areas that would otherwise be hidden. Digital technology allowed us to receive the image with significantly less radiation than traditional slide radiographs. At the conclusion of your visit, the x-ray images are saved in your private digital file. They can never be lost. Additionally, when seeking a second opinion, the images can be emailed in a split second without the fear of being lost. Digital radiographs are an extremely valuable tool that has advanced dental care. A specialized digital x-ray tool is the 3D Cone Beam scanner. This tool allows us to see a full 3D view of the patient’s oral cavity. It is useful in treatment planning by providing us a full, accurate map of the patient’s mouth. Ultrasonic ScalerOne of the most common dental disorders is some level of gum disease. More than half of adults suffer from this oral bacterial infection. Gum disease can be dangerous to the health of your teeth, gums and supporting bone. We can help combat gum disease with regular dental cleanings, along with your hygiene routine at home. A tool that we have to help is called an ultrasonic scaler. It is a tool that we use for most of our adult cleaning appointments. The ultrasonic scaler has a rapidly vibrating tip and a directed stream of water. It removes bacteria filled hardened plaque, known as tartar or calculus, from the teeth, and below the gum line. Traditionally, hygienists would have to hand scrape this material; it was a painful and long process. The ultrasonic scaler works faster, with less discomfort. |